
Phase 1: Devnet (Live as of April 2024)

  • Objective: Initial building of core technology based on user feedback.

  • Features: Basic AI agent and application functionality.

  • Stage: Alpha, with rapid iterations based on feedback.

Phase 2: Testnet (Upcoming)

  • Objective: Validate design and architecture, focusing on AI inference at the validator level.

  • Features: Chain specification completed, developer incentivization.

  • State: Final testing before mainnet, including security audits and stress tests.

Phase 3: Mainnet (Upon Success of Testnet)

  • Objective: Full-fledged launch with an expanding network of validators and developer incentives.

  • Features: Fully tested and secure platform for deploying AI apps and agents.

  • Stage: Stable, persistent, decentralized.

Last updated